Duffy's Contact


(907) 822-GOLD


CHEECHAKO: cheechako comes from the Native Alaskan peoples and means “new comer” or, someone who recently came to Alaska and hasn’t survived a long cold winter.

Our CHEECHAKO package consists of a One Day Adventure using similar tools to the ones used by the old timer prospectors who came to Alaska and walked the state looking for a better life and to strike it rich during the 1890’s and early 1900’s: a pick, shovel, bucket, classifier screen and gold pan.

You may fly, drive, bike, hike or get to Duffy’s any way you can where you may park and we will transport you the 5 miles to the mining claim using The Trail with our 4x4 ATV and trailer along with the tools and at the end of the day we will bring you back to Duffy’s.

Take a camera; the scenery along The Trail is beautiful and you may spot moose, caribou, wolves, fox, lynx, bears and more critters in their natural habitat along 5 miles of The Trail and you will want to get some photos of your gold mining activity and the gold - Memories To Cherish For A Lifetime

Compare Adventures: Click one

1. Cheechako $200       2. Prospector $260

3. Sourdough $300

We offer Pay Dirt and Gold Panning at Duffy’s starting at $10; Gold Mining Adventures start at $50 a day but you will need to bring your own tools, equipment and ATV for this one



(907) 822-GOLD (4653)




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